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Built-in Helpers

Builtin helpers are helpers that come as part of the Squirrelly library. They can always be overwritten if desired, but they provide simple, no-setup logic within templates.


{{@if(it.somevalue === 1)}}
Display this
Display this

This is a native helper


{{@each(it.somearray) => val, index}}
Display this
The current array element is {{val}}
The current index is {{index}}

Helper References:

  • val: the current array element
  • index: the index of the array element

Note that val, index are both optional and can be renamed. Ex. => item or => item, number


{{@foreach(it.someobject) => key, val}}
This loops over each of an objects keys and values.
The value of the current child is {{val}}
The current key is {{key}}

Helper References:

  • key: the key of the current object child
  • val: the value of the current child

Note that val, index are both optional and can be renamed. Ex. => item or => item, number


This won't work: {{ *it.hi | validate}}
{{#catch => err}}
Uh-oh, error! Message was '{{err.message}}'

Helper References:

  • err: the error
Last updated on by Ben Gubler