Version: Next

Syntax Overview


We're going to call something between the set delimiters a tag. Ex: {{...}}, where {{ and }} are called "delimiters"

Language Items

There are 5 language items in Squirrelly:

  • Interpolation tags place the value of the code inside them into the rendered template.
    Example: Rendering Hi {{}} with {name: "Ben"} will return "Hi Ben".
    The data you call a template with is referenced using it, similarly to doT.js.
  • Evaluation tags start with ! and place the code inside them into the template function.
    Examples: Comments are written using evaluation tags ({{! /*comment */}}), as are JS function calls ({{! console.log('hi') }}).
    It's usually discouraged to use evaluation tags for complex functions and logic, which helpers are ideal for.
  • Helpers start with @ and are for logic in the template. Loops and conditionals are both implemented as native helpers, a special kind of helper that compiles into native JS code before rendering.
    Helpers use blocks (that start with #) for logical separation.
    • If/Else:
      {{ @if (it.number === 3) }}
      Number is three
      {{ #elif (it.number === 4) }}
      Number is four
      {{ #else }}
      Number is five
      {{ /if}}`
  • Filters are for post-processing values such as references and helpers. You can define your own that do anything from capitalizing letters to emojifying strings.
    Example: {{someref | capitalize}}


Squirrelly takes inspiration from Mustache, Handlebars, EJS, Nunjucks, Swig, doT.js, and many other great template engines.

Last updated on by Ben Gubler